The BadgeService class provides information and functionality related to badges. Badges are used across the platform to recognize a player's achievements and activity. Upon awarding a badge to a player, it is added to their inventory and displayed on their profile page.
Code Samples
The following example creates an awardBadge() function that handles potential errors that may occur when awarding a badge. Using properties of the badge fetched via BadgeService:GetBadgeInfoAsync(), it confirms that the badge can be awarded and does so using BadgeService:AwardBadge().
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local BADGE_ID = 0
local function awardBadge(player, badgeId)
-- Fetch badge information
local success, badgeInfo = pcall(function()
return BadgeService:GetBadgeInfoAsync(badgeId)
if success then
-- Confirm that badge can be awarded
if badgeInfo.IsEnabled then
-- Award badge
local awardSuccess, result = pcall(function()
return BadgeService:AwardBadge(player.UserId, badgeId)
if not awardSuccess then
-- the AwardBadge function threw an error
warn("Error while awarding badge:", result)
elseif not result then
-- the AwardBadge function did not award a badge
warn("Failed to award badge.")
warn("Error while fetching badge info: " .. badgeInfo)
local function onPlayerAdded(player)
awardBadge(player, BADGE_ID)
The following script waits for any player to enter the game and checks if they own a specific badge. This is useful for creating a restricted area with collision filtering or teleportation that only works if a player owns a special badge.
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local badgeId = 00000000 -- Change this to your badge ID
local function onPlayerAdded(player)
-- Check if the player has the badge
local success, hasBadge = pcall(function()
return BadgeService:UserHasBadgeAsync(player.UserId, badgeId)
-- If there's an error, issue a warning and exit the function
if not success then
warn("Error while checking if player has badge!")
if hasBadge then
-- Handle player's badge ownership as needed
print(player.Name, "has badge", badgeId)
-- Connect "PlayerAdded" events to the "onPlayerAdded()" function
This script checks which badges a user owns when they join the experience.
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local badgeIds = { 0000000000, 1111111111, 2222222222 } -- Change this to a list of your badge IDs
local function onPlayerAdded(player)
-- Check if the player has any of the badges
local success, result = pcall(function()
return BadgeService:CheckUserBadgesAsync(player.UserId, badgeIds)
-- If there's an error, issue a warning and exit the function
if not success then
warn("Error while checking if player", player.Name, "has badges:", result)
local ownedBadgeIds = result
if #ownedBadgeIds == 0 then
print(player.Name, "does not have any of the badges")
print(player.Name, "has the following badges:", table.concat(ownedBadgeIds, ", "))
This sample prints badge information fetched via BadgeService:GetBadgeInfoAsync().
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
-- Fetch badge information
local success, result = pcall(function()
return BadgeService:GetBadgeInfoAsync(00000000) -- Change this to desired badge ID
-- Output the information
if success then
print("Badge:", result.Name)
print("Enabled:", result.IsEnabled)
print("Description:", result.Description)
print("Icon:", "rbxassetid://" .. result.IconImageId)
warn("Error while fetching badge info:", result)
Award a badge to a player given the ID of each.
Checks a list of badge IDs against a UserId and returns a list of badge IDs that the player owns.
Fetch information about a badge given its ID.
Checks whether a player has the badge given the Player.UserId and the badge ID.
Grants a Player a badge with the UserId and the badge ID. Rate limit: 50 + 35 * [number of users] per minute. In order to successfully award a badge:
- The player must be presently connected to the game.
- The player must not already have the badge (note that a player may delete an awarded badge from their profile and be awarded the badge again).
- The badge must be awarded from a server-side Script or a ModuleScript eventually required by a Script, not from a LocalScript.
- The badge must be awarded in a place that is part of the game associated with the badge.
- The badge must be enabled; check this using the IsEnabled property of the badge fetched through BadgeService:GetBadgeInfoAsync().
See also:
The Player.UserId of the user the badge is to be awarded to.
The ID of the badge to be awarded.
Boolean of true if the badge was awarded successfully.
Code Samples
The following example creates an awardBadge() function that handles potential errors that may occur when awarding a badge. Using properties of the badge fetched via BadgeService:GetBadgeInfoAsync(), it confirms that the badge can be awarded and does so using BadgeService:AwardBadge().
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local BADGE_ID = 0
local function awardBadge(player, badgeId)
-- Fetch badge information
local success, badgeInfo = pcall(function()
return BadgeService:GetBadgeInfoAsync(badgeId)
if success then
-- Confirm that badge can be awarded
if badgeInfo.IsEnabled then
-- Award badge
local awardSuccess, result = pcall(function()
return BadgeService:AwardBadge(player.UserId, badgeId)
if not awardSuccess then
-- the AwardBadge function threw an error
warn("Error while awarding badge:", result)
elseif not result then
-- the AwardBadge function did not award a badge
warn("Failed to award badge.")
warn("Error while fetching badge info: " .. badgeInfo)
local function onPlayerAdded(player)
awardBadge(player, BADGE_ID)
Checks a list of badge IDs against a UserId and returns a list of badge IDs that the player owns.
This method supports batches of up to 10 badges. Use BadgeService:UserHasBadgeAsync() for single badge lookups.
Rate limit: 10 + 5 * [number of players] per minute in each server.
Any set of badges for any experience can be queried, no matter who created the badges or which experiences they are for. Any UserId can be used in a Script, but in a LocalScript, only the UserId of the local user whose client is running the script can be used.
The list of IDs of the badges to check ownership of. Maximum length of 10.
The list of badge IDs the given user owns out of the provided badge IDs. Empty if none of the provided badges are owned by the given user. Not guaranteed to be in the same order as the input list.
Code Samples
This script checks which badges a user owns when they join the experience.
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local badgeIds = { 0000000000, 1111111111, 2222222222 } -- Change this to a list of your badge IDs
local function onPlayerAdded(player)
-- Check if the player has any of the badges
local success, result = pcall(function()
return BadgeService:CheckUserBadgesAsync(player.UserId, badgeIds)
-- If there's an error, issue a warning and exit the function
if not success then
warn("Error while checking if player", player.Name, "has badges:", result)
local ownedBadgeIds = result
if #ownedBadgeIds == 0 then
print(player.Name, "does not have any of the badges")
print(player.Name, "has the following badges:", table.concat(ownedBadgeIds, ", "))
This function fetches information about a badge given its ID. It takes a brief moment to load the information from the Roblox website; repeated calls will cache for a short duration. It returns a dictionary with the following fields:
Key | Type | Description |
Name | string | The name of the badge. |
Description | string | The description of the badge. |
IconImageId | int64 | The asset ID of the image for the badge. |
IsEnabled | bool | Indicates whether the badge is available to be awarded. |
See also:
The badge ID of the badge whose information should be fetched.
A dictionary of information about the specified badge.
Code Samples
This sample prints badge information fetched via BadgeService:GetBadgeInfoAsync().
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
-- Fetch badge information
local success, result = pcall(function()
return BadgeService:GetBadgeInfoAsync(00000000) -- Change this to desired badge ID
-- Output the information
if success then
print("Badge:", result.Name)
print("Enabled:", result.IsEnabled)
print("Description:", result.Description)
print("Icon:", "rbxassetid://" .. result.IconImageId)
warn("Error while fetching badge info:", result)
Checks and returns whether a Player owns a badge given their UserId and the badge ID. Rate limit: 50 + 35 * [number of players] per minute. You can call the function from the server in a Script or ModuleScript eventually required by a Script, and the user in question must be present in the server for the query to run. When calling the method from the client in a LocalScript, it only works for the local user whose client is running the script.
Any badge for any game can be queried, no matter who created the badge or which experience it is used for.
See also:
The Player.UserId of the player to check for ownership of the specified badge.
The badge ID of the badge whose ownership will be checked.
Indicates if the specified user has the specified badge.
Code Samples
The following script waits for any player to enter the game and checks if they own a specific badge. This is useful for creating a restricted area with collision filtering or teleportation that only works if a player owns a special badge.
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local badgeId = 00000000 -- Change this to your badge ID
local function onPlayerAdded(player)
-- Check if the player has the badge
local success, hasBadge = pcall(function()
return BadgeService:UserHasBadgeAsync(player.UserId, badgeId)
-- If there's an error, issue a warning and exit the function
if not success then
warn("Error while checking if player has badge!")
if hasBadge then
-- Handle player's badge ownership as needed
print(player.Name, "has badge", badgeId)
-- Connect "PlayerAdded" events to the "onPlayerAdded()" function