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The Faces data type contains six booleans representing whether a feature is enabled for each face (Enum.NormalId) of a Part. In other words, this contains a boolean for each axes (X/Y/Z) in both directions (positive/negative). The Handles object uses this data type to enable whether a direction has a visible handle on a Part's face.
local handles = Instance.new("Handles")handles.Faces = Faces.new(Enum.NormalId.Front, Enum.NormalId.Left)
Like most data types on Roblox, the Faces data type is immutable: you cannot assign to its properties once created.
Returns a Faces with the corresponding face of each passed Enum.NormalId as true.
Creates a new Faces given some number of Enum.NormalId as arguments. Each NormalId provided indicates the property of the same name in the new Faces will be true.
- The table.unpack() function can be used to unpack a table of NormalId to be included.
- Passing values that are not a Enum.NormalId will do nothing; they are ignored silently.