
Show Deprecated

A UIScale object simply contains a number that is used to multiply the GuiBase2d.AbsoluteSize of the parent UI element. This number is stored in UIScale.Scale.

Code Samples

UI Scale Demo

-- Lay out the images in a list
Instance.new("UIListLayout", script.Parent).SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder
-- Create some images of varying sizes using UIScale objects
for size = 0.2, 1.5, 0.2 do
local image = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
image.Image = "rbxassetid://284402752" -- an image of a Lock
image.Parent = script.Parent
image.Size = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100)
-- Scale the image by adding a UIScale with the size
-- Note: this is a shorthand since we don't need a reference to the UIScale
Instance.new("UIScale", image).Scale = size



  • Read Parallel

    Determines the multiplier to apply to the parent UI element's size.



Read Parallel

The Scale property determines the multiplier used on the parent UI element's GuiBase2d.AbsoluteSize. When set to 0.5, an AbsoluteSize of {0, 200}, {0, 50} becomes {0, 100}, {0, 25}. Similarly, when set to 2, such an AbsoluteSize would become {0, 400}, {0, 100}.

Code Samples

UI Scale Demo

-- Lay out the images in a list
Instance.new("UIListLayout", script.Parent).SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder
-- Create some images of varying sizes using UIScale objects
for size = 0.2, 1.5, 0.2 do
local image = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
image.Image = "rbxassetid://284402752" -- an image of a Lock
image.Parent = script.Parent
image.Size = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100)
-- Scale the image by adding a UIScale with the size
-- Note: this is a shorthand since we don't need a reference to the UIScale
Instance.new("UIScale", image).Scale = size

